*All video/movie files posted here were made/edited by Ji-Sun Kim using QuickTime or iMovie.

Gesture and Tactile Feedback at SCR

Industrial Research (Co-op)


Research at UX team

Employer : Siemens Corporate Research

Position : Research Intern

Job Description : Research on Tactile Feedback on Touchscreen and Gestural interaction with Kinect

Technical Skills Required : Kinect+Flash Programming using OpenNI, VC++, ActionScript3, Multi-touch gesture implementation (iOS SDK, voice-coil based tactile feedback for iPad)

Computer Music and HCI Work

Fall2006 -

Projects at Digital Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio (DISIS)

MU Project : A software framework built with Unity3D and Max/MSP for a rapid prototype for the applications integrated with 3D and computer music.

Max/MSP + Wii Balance Board: A software tool using Max/MSP and Wii Balance Board for the Interactive Taiji project, integrated with video and audio.

Touchless Interface using IR sensors and gestures: Gestural interaction technique development using nine IR sensors placed on a board.

DREAM (Discrete REconfigurable Aural Matrix) Interface system: 24-speaker array based system to investigate human anterior aural perception by utilizing each individual speaker as an aural counterpart to a pixel or a pixel cluster of a visual display surface such as TV or an LCD screen.