*Goging to CHI2016 (May9-12) where I give a presentation (May11)! (updated on April. 2016)

*Migration of my old website to Github Pages! (updated on April. 2016)

*A part of my Ph.D. research was published in TOCHI!
- Action-Transferred Navigation Technique Design Approach Supporting Human Spatial Learning (updated on Sep. 2015)

*Relocated to Hillsboro, OR (updated on May. 2015)

*A proposal to NSF-IIS (CHS)
- The proposal has been submitted! I am one of the CO-PIs. It is mostly based on my TOCHI manuscript (a part of my Ph.D. dissertation). (updated on Jan.14.2015)

*User Experience (UX) Research
- Understand domain-specific workflow and develop semi-automated workflow for the domain experts; includes fully-functioned application development and data processing skills

- Leverage cutting-edge technologies to improve UX; include fully-functioned interaction technique development, fully-functioned client and server application development, full-process of user study (including pilot study, formative usability study, comparative user study)

- Use eye tracker to understand users cognitive process and to improve user interfaces of human-computer interactive systerms

*Expanding my expertise in GIS
- OpenStreeMap-like map styling: CartoCSS, Mapnik, TileMill, planet.osm, etc.
- LAS/LAZ (LiDAR, Photogrammetry) data processing with LASTools
--- Generate rasterized DTM and DSM (Normalized)
--- Generate CHM
--- Generate PAM-based Raster Statistics (.aux.xml)
--- Provide Python scripts for different cases

*OCG-compliant Web 3D Service development and 3D terrain model generation
--Example: Tower with signal, Blacksburg hitorical media in Web3D Geovisualization Service